TA DAAA! New Logo. New Website.

Crisp, clean and refreshed. After more than 30 years in business, we are very proud to share with you our new Logo and version of www.northwater.com.

We decided it was time to refresh the North Water brand with a simple and elegant new design representative of the way we approach the design of our products. We are still Canadian owned and operated with our factory and headquarters in the heart of Vancouver, BC to make sure that you get the gear you need, when you need it. Sourcing and building locally ensures the highest quality products that get you and yours home safe after every aquatic adventure #BecauseItMatters.

On the new site, you will find a new “Store Locator link” that will make it easier to find your local dealer, or the dealer closest to your put-in when you realize that your Deck Bag is still hanging in the closet at home. The website is also the new home for our Blog so we can get you up-to-date information as quickly as possible.

This new site also allows us to update it from our desks, so we can keep information current and new products coming all the time. Please bookmark us so you can keep abreast with all things North Water as the changes have just begun. We have some great ideas coming.

We would love to hear from you about the new Logo and the new website. Please feel free to contact us via email at shop@northwater.com, twitter @NorthWater1 and check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/northwater. With all this technology around, we still haven’t forgotten how to use the phone either, so feel free to give us a call at 1-800-567-9283.

North Water Paddle Sports Equipment

Water Safety for Work and Play